Un nuevo y esquisito trabajo original del contrabajista Jordi Vila
Towards the end of March Fernando Brunet rang to say that he would be giving a practical electro-acustic class to students at Alicante University, and to ask if I would be interested in doing some recording. I jumped at the chance! We had to fix a date for early May and Instarted thinking about what to record and, more specially, who with. I considered all the possible combinations, all attractive, but the days went byand I still hadn´t come to a decision. I thought about setting up different combos and recording numbers with each of them. At the beginning of April we agreed on dates, the 12th and 13th of May, and all at once I knew what I had to do. The 11th was my 50th birthday and I would have a party and record some of my own compositions. I put out a few feelers to see who was available and then set to, sorting out papers and working on notes made earlier. It was going to be an informal session, with no plans for a disc. By Monday evening the following musicians were assembled: Fabio, Esteve, Ramón, and Paul, and on Tuesday the rest arrived: Latino, Carlitos, Jose Luis and Pier. It was a privilege and a joy to get them all together. Jordi Vilá
1. Un poc de “Duke” per al meu fill (J. Vilà)
Jordi Vilà-contrabaix, Paul Evans-trompeta, Ramón Cardo-saxo alt,
José Luís Granell-saxo tenor, Pier León-saxo tenor,
Francisco Blanco “Latino”-saxo baríton, Carlos Martín-trombó,
Fabio Miano-piano, Esteve Pi-bateria
---Enregistrat a Elx el dia 13 de Maig de 2008---
2. Longànime (J. Vilà )
Mateixa formació que 1
3. En blanc i gris (J. Vilà)
Mateixa formació que 1
4. Ningú com tu (J. Vilà)
Jordi Vilà-contrabaix, Juan Munguía-trompeta, Ramón Cardo-saxo tenor,
Fabio Miano-piano, Vicente Espí-bateria
---Enregistrat a Torrent el dia 5 de Septembre de 2005 ---
5. D´on s´extrau l´or (J. Vilà)
Jordi Vilà-contrabaix, Paul Evans-trompeta, Ramón Cardo-saxo alt
Fabio Miano-piano, Esteve Pi-bateria
---Enregistrat a Elx el dia 12 de Maig de 2008---
6. Si em faltes tu (J. Vilà)
Mateixa formació que 4
7. Fire Waltz (Mal Waldron)
Mateixa formació que 5
8. The Meeting (Eric Dolphy)
Mateixa formació que 5
9. En blanc i gris * (J. Vilà)
Mateixa formació que 1